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Team Foster raises money to provide accredited, life-saving service dogs to injured and disabled Veterans.

FUNDS highly trained and accredited service dogs for injured and disabled Veterans at no cost to the Veteran and provides lifetime support to its Veteran-service dog teams. Team Foster brings civilians, Veterans and service dogs together to provide the resources that our government does not.

ADVOCATES for Veterans and their service dogs in the community, workplace, and the legislature. Team Foster works to achieve the best possible training for service dogs and fair treatment of Veterans.

EDUCATES and raises awareness across the nation about the challenges our Veterans face, the power of service dogs, and the life-saving resources that these properly trained and accredited animals can provide.

Formed in His Honor to Carry Out the Mission for Those Still Fighting Their Battle Every day

CPT Erick Foster, KIA 29 August 2007

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    Erick was a born leader. No one pushed himself harder or cared for his teammates more. Erick was commissioned into the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant in May 2000 after graduating from Duquesne University. His first deployment took him to Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

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    Upon his return, Erick earned his Ranger Tab and was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, NC. With the 82nd, Erick was appointed to serve as the Troop Commander for A Troop, 1st Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, and 2nd Brigade Combat Team.

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    On August 28, 2007, Erick was leading his soldiers on patrol in Muqdadiya, Iraq, when insurgents ambushed his unit. Struck by small arms fire, Erick was medevacked but ultimately succumbed to his wounds on August 29, 2007.

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    "He was one of the finest Armor officers the U.S. Army has produced, as evident by his being one of the first Armor officers to be stationed at Fort Bragg," said Army Captain John Hartsock, "… Foster was a respected and proven combat leader whose love for his men supplied him daily with motivation."

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    Born in Oil City, PA, Erick went to high school at North Allegheny. He was a cadet with the Panther Army ROTC Battalion (now known as the Three Rivers Battalion). Erick's awards include the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal, Parachutist Badge (Airborne), and Ranger Tab.


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Team Foster Employees

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